Sunday, June 1, 2008

2nd June 2008.

nyeheh. Assalamualaikum. i decided to create a new blog. haha. pasal antah, yang before atu mcm hmm.not interesting. i hope inda akan becakap kosong saja. today kira 1st day officially day 1 of menganggur day. hehe. last week was busy with dearest cousin getting married..7 years finally waiting, yg haram menjadi halal. semoga bertambah lagi pengikut Nabi junjungan kita..yang berkualiti and soleh. AMIN =) i think, im getting pendiam'er' haha.ntah ah, when i knw hadis S.A.W, diam itu lebih baik dari bercakap yang sia-sia. *sigh* mcm hmm, i know at times, i could be becakapp saja. huhu. whichs NOT GOOD.. yatah i decided to cut down that habit..cakap bila perlu..last nyt, i had a wonderful dream. mcm sudah bangun i wish it was real. mcm kami semua ke sebuah sekolah and menjalankan proses tarbiyyah to every student arah skulah atu..mcm chali..and real! oh no.. everything was real clear and huhu..skali, another scene lagi datng menjelma, where me and my other siblings, apanah? membgi talk ISK to my friends. mcm oh cool. haiy..='( and also, another scene lagi terpop out, apanah? i got an A for Dirasah Nasiyyah! mcm buleh ahaha.sampai termimpi jadinya..padahal nda fikir pasal results jua..many things dalam otak awal ani yg lebih merisaukan..

Lately, my aunts and uncles, my cousins ramai betanya mcm "bila kawin lai?" i was like EH? gossip apa lagi nie..haha.. i smiled and said "sudah ada jodoh kawin tah tu.." and yes, antah..everyone seems to know abt it. but NOT everyone seems to understand about it. yes thats the word. i would ofcourse no way of exposing him . no more. and no way.. sesuatu yang belum pasti. its better kept sealed and safe. =) well, even i know when both families..tau sudah, since nearly 2 years ago dah..about the relationship. whichs now, ber'pause' or sumhow, better off. since belum menjadi sesuatu yang halal yet. i am not sure..hmm. so yes. i leave it to Allah.. but yet, we need to berusaha somehow.kena jaga everything. before Syaitan melompat2 and membisikkan ke telinga kami..its better to prevent than to cure. . and still..its sesuatu yang belum pasti.. jadinya, sit down and relax. and wait? hehe.. well, i need to 'settle' this things quickly before menjadi fitnah pada diri and Deen................

Tomorrow and the following days, i hope to be productive and useful. and hari ini lebih baik dari semalam. in plan tomorrow and wednesday will be full schedule..kitani hanya merancang and Allah saja menentukan..=)

hmm i think i need to find a job soon. have wrote a letter to PDI tapi belum post lagi. jadi slow..anyways, im done with my 1st post for now. Salam everyone =D